

What is Title 24? | 2022

What is Title 24 in California?

The California Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards are designed to ensure new and existing buildings achieve energy efficiency and preserve outdoor and indoor environmental quality.

As of Jan 1st 2020, all low rise residential buildings have been mandated to incorporate a solar photovoltaic (PV) system to meet the minimum requirements for building energy efficiency standards. While this may seem like just another hoop to jump through in the construction process, it is also a huge value add to any new construction home project. Now that solar is a part of every new home construction project, Suntrek is here to make sure that the solar system and home are designed with each other in mind. A solar system can complement a home just like a beautiful entry way or stunning backyard if you treat it with the same amount of importance!

Some home builders will simply “check the box”. This will mean installing a solar system that meets the minimum requirements. Suntrek will design, engineer and provide a proposal for providing a turnkey solar solution to meet those minimum requirements. Often times, an energy storage (battery) system can be implemented into the design.  This addition will reduce the required quantity of solar panels installed on the roof by 25%. Typically the minimum requirement results in a system that is not appropriately sized for the home. For this reason, Suntrek will also provide and second option that is better engineered for the square footage of the home and the kind of electrical load we expect to see for that home. Since every clients needs are unique, another option is to have Suntrek work directly with the homeowner to ensure their preferences and goals are met.

When installing solar on a new construction home, there are several benefits. Solar energy systems come with a federal tax credit. Today, that tax credit is 26% of the system cost. There are many costs involved in the construction process that are related to the solar systems installation (roofing, structural, electrical, architectural). All of the solar related expenses should be allocated to the cost of the solar system. As the price of the solar installation increases, so does the tax credit. The purchaser of the home will be able to capitalize on a 26% federal tax credit on the cost of the solar energy system. When the home is purchased, the new homeowner will start off with a big tax credit and will have a new solar system that was financed through the mortgage of the house. With interest rates at an all-time low, this can be one of the most attractive financing options available.

For home builders committed to energy-efficient design and sustainability, Suntrek provides the “Power of Three”. A 360-degree solar solution that incorporates solar heating for the swimming pool and solar heating for domestic hot water. Incorporating all relevant kinds of solar technology will provide a new homeowner with a sustainable way of living that allows for luxurious lifestyle, without the overhead costs.

Contact Suntrek today to discuss any and all of the items mentioned above.

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The Age of Power Independence | 2022


The Age of Power Independence

Building a home solar powered home requires solar architecture. Solar architecture can be defined as designing a home with solar energy as a highlighted feature of the home.

Lets start with some basics:
  1. Design a roof plan that will allow for a square or rectangular solar panel layout. This provides for a clean layout.
  2. Consult with your solar energy company to confirm system size and footprint.
  3. The solar panels should be on a South or West roof and preferably on the rear or side of the home.
  4. This is also the time to determine if solar pool heating and solar hot water heating will be part of the solar architecture solution.
  5. Integrate the solar collectors into the roofing system by installing a composition roof in the footprint area of all solar panels and then install your tile roof or other roofing materials around the solar collectors, framing them in for a clean, recessed look.
  6. Select your solar panels so that they are black framed and black backing so there is a black solar system with no white mixed in.
Orientation of the home, windows, overhangs, and mass, should all be taken into consideration for passive solar gain.
What do we mean by this?
  1. Allow the sun’s energy to passively enter the home for heating during the cooler months.
  2. Create an overhang over windows to block the sun’s energy from entering in during the summer months
  3. Have concrete, stone, or other mass in the home that can receive this energy and hold it naturally.
  4. Of course, ventilation and air flow are critical to the overall health of the solar architecture.
The state of California requires all homes to be Title 24 compliant and solar electricity is mandated in this process. Having a solar energy company in your hip pocket is key to a successful new home construction project. Suntrek Industries, Inc has been working with Architects and Home Builders for over 3 decades.

Your Trusted Solar Provider | 2022

3 Reasons Why The Pool Industry NEEDS a Trusted Solar Provider

  • Have you ever had a client with a solar pool heating system that needed service? For most pool industry professionals, they may be comfortable at the pool equipment, but getting on the roof is another story. Sure, you could turn the solar off. But is that the best service you could provide your client?                                                                             

Suntrek Services all makes and models of solar energy systems. Whether it be for your swimming pool or for powering your home or business. We can even help you trouble shoot over the phone.

  • On how many occasions have you come to your client’s home for their regular pool cleaning/maintenance, only to find that their pool equipment has been upgraded by someone else? The homeowner didn’t consider asking you to do it. What’s worse? A solar company likely made the upgrade without talking to you either.                                       

Suntrek was grown through relationships with the pool industry. When possible, we give the business back to the service industry. By partnering with Suntrek, you have a teammate that will not steal equipment upgrades from you and try to send you business, just like the service industry has done for us.

  • Solar isn’t going anywhere. Odds are, if your clients don’t have solar (solar pool heating, solar electricity, or other) they will have it in the near future. Why not make a buck and refer your client to a solar company you can trust

By having Suntrek as a trusted partner, you can confidently refer us to your clients as a complete solar energy provider to assess options for solar pool heating, solar electricity and energy storage. We have a referral fee program so that you can capitalize on the relationships that you have. Do the math, if you have 50+ service accounts, that’s a quick way to make over $1000 per account.

    1. Solar Pool Heating – $300
    2. Solar Electricity – $500
    3. Battery – $300

It’s a smart business decision to have a solar company you can trust and rely on for support. Trust in a name that has been in the solar industry for over 30 years.